Spotted Horse Wed, Mar 14 2018 20:00

‘There’s Something Weird - And Winning - About Greg

Paige W

Tonight at The Spotted Horse someone had the chance to walk away with an astonishing £500 jackpot in our Beer Mat Challenge. Before we could get to that though we had an evening of ferocious quizzing! Despite there being some tied up scores by the end of the second round, with both ‘Happy 40th Emma’ and ‘Don’t Lose Your Nerve...Agents’ on a commendable 41 points, ‘There’s Something Weird About Greg’ swooped in with 42 points to take the winning spot. Then came time for our £500 jackpot round, and it was down to ‘Geeky Blinders’ to take their 50/50 shot at that huge jackpot. Unfortunately for them, the odds were not in their favour, which means next week’s jackpot is set to be a whopping amount! Make sure you join us next week for another week of quizzing, and your 50/50 shot at winning the rollover jackpot!

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