Rising Sun, Twickenham Wed, Sep 04 2019 20:00

One speaker down

Rosie D

It was a tasking one at The Rising Sun tonight! And not just because the speaker didn't work... but we had 3 teams after the first half who were all in the same place! Luckily the second half showed us the teams true colours, as Nonsense on Stilts stole away the first place from Court Powers who won it last week. And lucky for a couple of plums winning the pizzas, now they can start to save up their vouchers for their overgrowing team and perhaps next week they might have enough to get a pizza each as opposed to a slice! If you left quite soon after the quiz tonight you would have missed the miraculous fixing of the speaker (of course) so I will be back and booming next week and hope to see you back and booming too!

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