Ram Sun, Jul 15 2018 20:00

Birthday Quiz Action

David M

Despite the blazing hot temperatures tonight's quiz at The Ram never flagged for one second. It was question after question. Answer after answer. The pens really came in handy and tonight's winners "Tequila Mockingbird" put their win to the type of pen they were using.

This is what I have been saying for quite a long time now. The most important thing about doing a quiz apart from turning up is the type of pen you are using.

Quiz after quiz has shown me that a biro often gives a team that extra bit of confidence that they need to just push them over the top.

It has to be said that Steph had a very good night. Not only did she win the two hundred pounds Jackpot, her team won the fifty pounds bar tab and the whole pub sang happy birthday to her even though it wasn't her birthday (I'm joking, yes it was).

Let's also mention "The 3 Musketeers" who won themselves two free drinks.

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