Prince of Wales Putney Sun, Oct 27 2019 19:00

Ice huck ox blows the competition

Alex D

Oh My God! How exciting was the quiz this evening! It all started around 6.30 when the teams started arriving, quivering with excitement as they asked questions like “is this our table?” and “can I have a white wine please”. The tension mounted when, at 7pm, I went round the teams, delivering such witticisms as “£2 per person so £6 in all”. After each team had received their own personal moment of comedy genius, I amazed the crowd by saying “good evening”. The pub erupted into paroxysmal of joy. But the excitement didn’t end there. I brought the crowd to a hushed stunned silence by adding “ no mobile phones”. The low tone didn’t last long because I was soon in full swing. “Here’s question number 1” I quipped. The crowd were giddy with anticipation. I read out the first question. Then, and I kid you not, I let them have some time to write the answer down. Using my ever sharp, rapier wit I went on to say “and now question 2” reading out the question and again allowing the teams to write down the answer. “here’s question 3”, I had the crowd in the palm of my hand, reading out the question and again allowing the teams to write down the answer. “question four now” reading out the question and again allowing the teams to write down the answer. “ and here is question 5” reading out the question and again allowing the teams to write down the answer.
Basically this continued up to and including question 40, which I read out, giving the teams time to answer. Turns out Ice Huck Ox got the most answers right so they won. What an exciting night!

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