Perseverance, Bloomsbury Mon, Oct 23 2017 19:00

The Perseverance Punters Paint Portraits

Josh H

A great night at The Perseverance ended with 'Team Zeus' managing to nick it by a controversial point after they were awarded a bonus point for their portrait of James (who judged it)... It was the wink that won it!

'SOAP' came in second, they did a fantastic job and also won two bonus points for their artistic endeavor.

'The It Crowd' came a very close third and I would have awarded them a point for their portrait of Tom which would have made it a three way tie at the top on forty points but James didn't see it like that and in the end they came in on thirty nine points.

'Nightmare On Emerald Street ' also pit in a great performance but with no bonus points for their art, only managed to come in fourth.

'American Discretion πŸ˜‰' won their favourite prize (a bottle of house wine) again for coming in second last and also posed for their photo with 'Molly Mumma's' picture of James for some reason, possibly that they weren't too proud of their effort πŸ˜‰.

Our mother and daughter combo 'Molly Mumma' came in last but did a sterling job as they only had the two of them on the team. They also came closest to the answer for the jackpot question but sadly, couldn't find the joker to take home the cash.

That means next week the cash jackpot stands at a massive Β£261 so come back next Monday to try your luck for the mega money. πŸ˜πŸ˜€πŸƒπŸ€”

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Top Teams
Team Zeus
The It Crowd
Nightmare On Emerald Street
American Discretion πŸ˜‰
Molly Mumma