Eagle Hoxton Wed, Jun 19 2019 19:30

You Don't Have To Be English.

Richard L

Sometimes before a quiz begins when money is being paid and the paperwork given out, one approaches a group of friends and asks if they would like to join in and play. Perhaps they say' "No thanks", because they are about to leave but very often the answer is a no because "We are not English". Now some of the quiz questions might be very UK orientated but others are broader and these days with so much knowledge available on the internet, one's place of birth doesn't really make a lot of difference to knowledge about films, music, these days even sport.
At the Eagle last night proving my point was the top team which won the quiz by one point even after having another deducted for being a team of seven! "Aussies plus one", six Australians and one token Englishman clear winners taking home a cash prize of £152! Join us next week on a Wednesday evening from 7:30pm.

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