The Bobbin Wed, Dec 07 2016 20:00

The ‘Drawing of a [insert naughty word here]’ win glory following neck-and-neck race from half-time

Charles C

Throughout history, the 7th December has always been a momentous day. In 43BC, Marcus Tullius Cicero, Roman orator and politician, was assassinated. In 1732, Royal Opera House opened in Covent Garden. But, in 2016, it was a day notable for the intensity of the quiz at The Bobbin.

After a healthy mixed bag of first half questions – including some on Nursery Rhyme Little Piggies; Cluedo; and, logos of sweets companies – there was a three-way tie at the interval. ‘Tickle My Baubles’; ‘Drawing of a [insert naughty word here]’; and, ‘Strangers In The Night’ all on 21; with the next four teams in a steady one-point cascade from there. All to play for.

A few three-parters in the second half didn’t do much to separate the teams. Even with a handicap, ‘Drawing of a [insert naughty word here]’ just pulled ahead of ‘Strangers In The Night’ (a team who had met only 90 minutes earlier) for the big jackpot. ‘Get Louis A Job’ took the conciliatory bag of jelly beans for being furthest from first, while the best name prizes (Christmas-themed this evening) were shared between ‘Tickle My Baubles’ and ‘Prancer, Dancer, We Don’t Have a Chancer’.

As at the break, there was very little splitting out the middle; ‘8 Quizzers Quizzing’, ‘Quizmas Time’, ‘Halfwits Premiership’ and ‘Universally Challenged’ all very much in the thick of it.

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Top Teams
Drawing Of A Co*k
Strangers In The Night
8 Quizzers Quizzing
Quizmas Time
Halfwits Premiership
Universally Challenged
Tickle My Baubles
Prancer, Dancer, We Don't Have A Chancer
Get Louis A Job