Bedford Tavern, Finsbury Park Mon, Jan 14 2019 19:30

Newcomers steal the win after Brexit drama

Marc F

A team of newcomers beat the regular boffins this week, albeit in a tiebreak and aided by their Creative depiction of Brexit, to take the top prize. It does mean they will join the regulars' hall of fame by having to come back next week not only to defend their honour but to drink/eat their winnings.

This week's creative round had teams trying to draw Brexit just as Jeremy Corbyn was walking past (true story) — it must have been a good omen for the top two teams as their efforts propelled them to the summit of the standings.

Quiz Akabusi wish they'd paid more attention to how much Heather Mills won in her divorce with Paul McCartney (not as much as you'd think) as that was their undoing at the eleventh hour.

In a closely-fought affair, the tough second half proved too much for the other teams, although in what must be a record score for a one man team, General Ignorance, did well to finish just outside the places and claim the bottle of wine. He also played for the giant jackpot but failed at the first card — sad face.

The jackpot now stands at a staggering £129 with just six cards needed to be negotiated to win BIG. I suggest you do yourselves a favour and put your general knowledge to the test — and if you don't have much of that, a fun night is the least you can expect at Holloway's greatest quiz.

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