Miss Moses Tue, Sep 24 2019 19:00

Stage Direction In a Team Name Makes for Good Content

Anna B

It was so great to be back tonight at Miss Moses!!

The team formerly known as The Aw-QUIZ-tics once again switched up their name, this time, however, not taken from a credit on my IMBd. No. Instead, it was 'Wild Thing Karaoke with My Dad' - a sentence I apparently uttered to them after my birthday weekend. Well, tonight the team I lovingly refer to as my stalkers JUST ran away with first place after a very tight tie-breaker against 2nd place winners, #Blessed.

We also had ANOTHER tie-breaker for 2nd last place, with the absolutely lovely team of Legs Akimbo proving once again that it pays to be wrong, and the beautiful visitors from Queensland went home with a bottle of wine.

Tonight, we also learnt Napoleon Bonaparte's penis was bought in 1977 for $3,000, and sits at a shrivelled 1.5 inches! Edutainment at its finest! You won't learn that at school, kids.

See you next week for tacos & trivia!

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