Quizzy Rascal runs away with the gold!

Quizzy Rascal topped the winner's podium at the Wigmore on Monday evening, boosting their score to 43 with the bonus points from the creative round. Teams were challenged to make an inappropriate Valentine's Day gift from tinfoil, and amid strong competition (the quizmaster liked the mobile featuring a 3D 'd*ck pic'), Quizzy Rascal's very detailed Clear Blue pregnancy test ("It's triplets!") won the points from the judging staff. Second-to-bottom honours (and a spin on the #wigmorewheel) were decided by a tiebreak between Les Quizerables and Getting Wiggy With It - Les Quizerables took it by a whisker, and grabbed themselves a free snack. Free drinks and bonus points went to Mine's A Bottle Of Bully! (round 1) and Eh?? (round 2). The bonus point for funniest wrong answer of the evening went to Getting Wiggy With It, who came up with a glorious pun on the Hogwarts motto!