Sam’s Also Here, Also Win Big!

It was the first quiz of March for our clever Trevors, everyone hoping that, with January and February out of the way, we could expect some warmer weather! Whilst The Star of the East is the only place to be on a Tuesday night, our quiz lead us to places further overseas... We all reverted to childhood when asked which kids TV characters got their individual names by looking at their Uncle’s Atlas. Our well travelled teams were confidently able to tell us that the answer was ‘The Wombles’! Anybody who was feeling hungry could have grabbed a ‘Pizza’ the action from the pub’s fantastic kitchen but did they know where the world’s first pizzeria ‘Antica Pizzeria Port’Alba’ was located? Some did, writing down the Italian city of Naples. Finally, our teams are used to thinking ‘big’ but could they think ‘small’? As small as the smallest independent country in the Caribbean by population, maybe? Our top teams managed to answer St Kitts and Nevis. ‘Sam’s Also Here’ managed to grab themselves a souvenir that was a bit closer to home, winning the £50 bar tab with 39 points, whilst ‘Last Derivatives’ went continental with a bottle of wine by coming second last and scoring 22. Next week’s holiday money (AKA Jackpot) comes to £160.00, with only two cards left to play...