The Latin Olympics

If I were a paranoiac or someone of an otherwise neurotic disposition (which I'm not—definitely, definitely—no—not—definitely; but IF I were), I might think these quizzes are trying to tell me something. Tonight's was tried persuading me to try out for the Olympics, but in Latin. I say this only because such questions were doubled: Two about the Olympics and two about Latin phrases (ad hoc and ad astra). Logical, see? Wait. Ad astra. The quiz wants me in the space Olympics. No. I digress. And returning from my digression, I can reveal that it was close. Oh, so-so close. A mere half-a-point had the Lawnstars pipping Albert Pintstein for the win, while Last Will & Tasty Mints enjoyed a bottle of wine in second-to-last. That is all for me, I'm off to the athlete's village on Zargon. But I'll be back next Tuesday. Until then, be kind. Just be kind, people. I can't stress this enough.