Syracuse Me?

A handful of abandoned bookings led to a smaller than usual "crowd" this evening, yet nevertheless it was still—as usual—big on drama (the good kind), as both teams remained neck and neck throughout, evenly matched in points if not in quizzers. Indeed, if merely measured by volume, we had a bit of a David v. Goliath situation, with 50:50's 2 players squaring off against Quizzical's 6. Lucky for us then, this is quizzing, not boxing, and our measures are of a subtler, more mercurial timbre. As for the quiz itself, Syracuse (that of Sicily as well as New York State) made unexpected appearances—once in a clarifying question about Post Malone and again in one of the free drink questions. In the end—as foretold in the ol' Book of Samuel—David bested the larger opponent, with 50:50 winning the pot (as well as a bottle of wine), while Quizzical walked away with tipple alone. Until next week, be kind, play safe—oh, and make your bookings.