Higher Than Eagles

Once again this week, the first-floor dining room snug above the Green Man played host to London Quizzing's best kept secret. And yes, "London Quizzing" is a thing. Three small teams battled it out in a quiz that was oddly eagle-heavy, with questions about the elusive (as in, Nobody up here has heard of them) harpy eagle and then another on the bald eagle's comestible of choice. There was also something about getting high. (In a question, just a question; it's not that sort of Green Man—and if it is, I know nothing about it. Scout's honour. Wink.) So now you know why this post is called "Higher Than etc, etc..." At last! Speaking of which, in the end, the ever-reliable Magna Farta's took it with a decisive 28, while the Mad Students took a bottle of white for coming 2nd-to-last. Elsewhere, here's hoping I'll see more of my Canadian compatriots pop in from the nearby CBC HQ in future. Time will tell. 'Til then, be kind and play safe!