The Lush Puppies Nip the Prize

A sensational evening at The Grapes in Limehouse. A celebration of birthdays, old friends, new friends and knowledge! Teams raised their swords to compete with the pen and boy did they rise to the challenge. Despite the incredible food, hospitality and quizzes which is available down at The Grapes on a Monday. Most exciting, is the pubs atmosphere, people from all different backgrounds squeeze in to share in the fun of the evening. Last night we celebrated Robs birthday, and as the entire pub joined in song to wish him well. It’s moments like these that remind Me this venue is unique in it’s ability to warm it’s guests hearts as they go head to head for some great prizes. Speaking of, back to the winners. In second to last place this evening and the recipients of a lovely house Malbec, were team NO MERCY! They showed no mercy in taking their place in this evenings quiz as they also took away the jackpot round. However, they didn’t choose the correct envelope meaning that they didn’t take home the money. Good news for the rest of us however, as the jackpot will increase to £130 next week! Tonight’s winners though, were none other than the Lush Puppies themselves. Taking away the £50 food and bar tab to share amongst them and the honour of Pub Quiz Champions for 9/12/2019. Congratulations!! Shout out this evening to 2 of our regulars Beth and Tom who are heading to back to the States after finalising their exchange. You’ll be missed in a Monday at the Grapes! Hope to see you next week ladies and gentleman, 8pm sharp at The Grapes.