3 is the magic number

On a cold, wet and windy Thursday evening in Kidbrook, 3 brave teams braved the elements to take part in this ‘not to be missed’ quiz extravaganza!! Taking an early lead, the ‘keta mims’ closing round one with a dramatic 21 points, whilst the quizards and Quiz on my face held strong with 11 & 16 points respectively. With it all to play for in round two, the competition got very serious.... the results where in ... in third place .... The Quizards, with a not too shabby 23 points! In second place .... oh wait... what’s this? Both teams scored 30 points!!!!! It was time for our tie breaker, with one point standing between ultimate success and that gorgeous £50 bar bill... in the end quiz on my face clinched it, with their extensive knowledge of the Falklands war! A small but mighty game this evening... but 3 was definitely the magic number!