Toto, We're Not in Putney Anymore

I filled in for an absentee quiz host this evening at Putney's Arab Boy. Yes, Putney has a pub called The Arab Boy. There is a story there, but I digress. Needless to say, it's an old establishment from a bygone era—back when publicans on their gap year brought back souvenir servants. Yeesh. Those were the days. Getting back to this evening, seven lovely teams battled it out in a quiz with an every-so-slightly North American bent, with questions touching upon on JFK, the state of Georgia's peach crop, the Great Lakes, and Father Christmas's mailing address in the Canadian arctic. In the end, So Far So Good won it handily; Happy with 2nd From the Bottom lived up to their name by snagging the bottle of wine; and Quizzard of Oz—you lucky things—won the £68 jackpot. Woot!