Pendulums, Pumba, Podobromhydrosis

Another civilised evening in Putney tonight at the Arab Boy pub, where the quiz veered ever so slightly eastward, with questions about Mount Fuji and the Simpsons's appearance on a Japanese game show with George Takei voicing the host (it’s pronounce “tah-kay”). Less slight was the letter P, with questions about Pendulums; Pulp Fiction; Pumba (the first Disney character to fart in a movie); Practice golf balls (you put them in your "shag bag"); and Podobromhydrosis (smelly feet). In the end, The Moral Victors won a couple free drinks; one-person team On My Juanz won the bottle of wine; and Don't Give Me F**** won everything else—the quiz and the jackpot. And so concludes my Putney adventure. You regular host returns next week...