Quiz Wars about Starwars!

What better way to spend a Wednesday night than to do a StarWars themed quiz at the Roundhouse? There was a lively and excitable atmosphere from start to finish. The pub was full of the most avid Star Wars fans I’ve yet to meet! With six knowledgeable teams taking part , the competition was tight. Round One saw no clear winners as the teams scored within points of each other. Round Two changed things however. There was a tie breaker for second to last place and so, a “closest to” question was asked. The bottle of wine eventually went to the team with 35 points -‘Rise if the Dogwalker’ a team who brought a lovely dog to the quiz! In first place tonight ,with a glorious 38 points, were ‘Sith out of Luck’. The successful team won a £100 bar tab for their skills. Great fun, great energy and great times all round at The Roundhouse!