"Enzo's entourage" win the Quiz....but not todays Grand Prix in Monza!

A pleasant and convivial evening was had by all at the Red Lion in Chenies Village with the usual village rivalry illustrated by the team names: "Get off my land!" (previously "No Parking in the Village") and "We don't cheat like Gordon". Fortunately nobody came to blows and team "Out to win" came last! Although Enzo Ferrari's team failed at Monza earlier in the day, "Enzo's entourage" (A dog) had a 3-point victory over "Get off my Land!" and in so doing took the £60 bar and food tab first prize. The evening's £30 bar and food tab second prize had to be decided over a tiebreaker with neither "out to Win" or the girls team "we don't cheat like Gordon" getting anywhere near the answer to 'a billion seconds is how many years?', but the girls were marginally closer. See you all again hopefully on Sunday 24th September; 7.00pm for a 7.30pm start.