Eclipsed by "One stinking Bishop and a laughing cow"!

"And the winners are hopeless" could have been a very apt team name as they weren't actually that hopeless and would have actually won this evening had they not been eclipsed by clear 5 points by "One stinging Bishop and a laughing cow" who scored a magnificent 40 points out of a possible 48 points and accordingly won the £50 bar and food tab. A similar margin decided the destiny of the bottle of house wine second prize for coming second last which went to a couple of ex-All Blacks (and their delightful driver), or so they said - they had the right accents and the build. Having arrived at the Red Lion at 3.30pm (for a 7.30pm start), what I can tell you is they actually did extremely well considering the elapsed time and liquid consumption, although I'm not sure a bottle of wine was an appropriate prize. Black coffee may have been better! The aforementioned runners-up did win the opportunity to play for the £60.50 Jackpot cash prize via a round of Play your Card Right, but went higher on a 10 only to turn over a 9. So, the cash prize increases to £73 and rolls over to the next Quiz Night at the Red Lion on Thursday 17th October.