‘Size Doesn’t Matter’ Takes Home A Sizeable Prize!

Tonight our quizzers were beating the post - Easter blues by getting their competitive quizzing on. Two teams were off to a strong start right out of the gate, ‘Size Doesn’t Matter’ and ‘Univerally Challenged’ both had a sizeable lead at the end of the first round. However ‘Universally Challenged’ struggled to keep their lead, and ended up tied for second to the last place with ‘Me & Him’ by the end of round two. Our closest to question to tie break those teams was about gold mining, and ‘Me & Him’ knew their stuff and guessed the answer correctly, meaning they won the free bottle of wine. ‘Size Doesn’t Matter’ stormed ahead in round two, and deservedly walked away with their £50 bar tab. No one was lucky enough to win at Play Your Cards Right this evening, so come along next week for your chance to grab that £105 jackpot!