Charlie Chaplin, The Spice Girls and a Slow Loris

Those were some of the characters who featured tonight. Although the Slow Loris was mistaken for a bush baby, an ai-ai and a possum. And Charlie Chaplin was mistaken for Falstaff. But it's OK! IT'S JUST A QUIZ! Frosty the Snowman gave people a headache tonight. As did Keith Urban, the Chrysler in the Love Shack, Rhytiphobia, The Nine Inch Nails, and Big's real name in Sex and the City. This quiz was 38-people strong last night. It was full of audible groans, squeals, yelps and (almost) insults being hurled my way. People take it seriously. They love it, and they sometimes hate it too. But isn't that what a great quiz is all about?