Hitting the Jackpot

A packed house, even spilling into the garden, this evening at The Pilgrim.... word had spread, the £200 Jackpot had to go ! At half time the scores covered a range of only 10 points difference from top to last ... with the top five teams separated by only 2 points... Returning team Agatha Quizteam on their first visit for a few months showed great knowledge from Superman's city to Beyonce's daughter.... to take the top prize with Pinky and the Brains coming second. The runner up wine went to David's Dimblebys.... then all attention turned to the Jackpot.... Ironically called Only here for the Jackpot won the right to play Play Your Cards Right for £200....with only FOUR cards to play through everybody knew that if they fell it would be opened up again to all teams for a knockout game of Heads & Tails ... as the Jackpot had to go...... to thunderous applause they sailed through.... £200 to share....Well done guys..... See you all next week..