Half Nelson'd

Tonight's quiz featured exactly one half of the prestigious Nelson Quadrilateral. The vertices representing Nelson Mandela and Horatio Nelson were covered by an anagram and a famous misquote ("Kiss me, Hardy"). Unfortunately, it turned out to be more of a Nelson Line Segment, as there were no questions about Nelson Rockefeller or Ricky Nelson. Nevertheless, Winners R Grinners lived up to their name, taking the grand prize bar tab. The Belle Stars got the bottle of wine after a tie for second-to-last was broken in the creative round, which was won by the Handels, putting them decisively out of contention. They did however win a shot at the jackpot, stumbling on the 6th card, which means it goes up—once again—this week. And in case you're wondering, yes, it's best to never mention Nelson (the band). See you next week.