Fillies here, Fitties there, ladies everywhere; oh, and an Oxbridge graduate

As a male quizmaster it was like being in paradise this evening at the Jolly Farmer as our quizzers this evening were predominantly female. Not only did we have the ever delightful "Chalfont Ladies" and the ladies of "Onwards & Upwards", we also had the "Chalfont Fillies" and the "Chalfont Fitties" as well as the ladies who "Live just across Here". Sadly, none of the aforementioned featured in this evening's prizes, but we didn't half have some fun and that's surely what it's all about. Having gained a three point lead after the first half of the quiz and managing to maintain that lead through to the end , the other not previously mentioned all lady team in the form of "Three and a Half" did however win the £40 bar voucher first prize. I guess the above begs the question about whether the male or the female is the superior of the species. From a factual perspective, analysis of the teams showed there to be only one male team member in the top three teams, whereas there were six in the bottom three teams (and one of them was an Oxbridge Graduate!!), but can you solely rely on facts? I couldn't possibly comment. Of those bottom three teams, "Drowning in Red Tape" and "The Narcot Worriers" needed a tiebreaker to determine the destiny of the £20 bar voucher for being second last with the former prevailing. "Drowning in Red Tape" featured again winning the opportunity to select from the six remaining Jackpot envelopes for the £77 cash prize. They selected envelope number 8 and despite their bad form since rebranding from being "Pork Scratchings", - and having 3:1 ratio of male to female team members - the card inside the envelope revealed congratulations were in order in WINNING THE JACKPOT! We do it all again next Tuesday 25th February, same time, same place.