Don't worry Harry, you can rely on me not to tell dad!

Some interesting and tough questions this evening including the 'merkin' one where most teams showed their innocence, other than "Sleep Seekers" that is, who stated they weren't 'fannying around'! Despite the tough questions, "Team at the Bar" stood head and shoulders above the other teams this evening - well, 6 points on the Fahrenheit scale - and accordingly took the £40 bar voucher first prize. "Peroxide Blonde" were runners-up with a very credible and normally a winning score of 36 points and "Onwards & Upwards were third, only 2 points behind them. In coming to the much coveted second prize for being second last, the usual contenders "Desperados" and "Neighbours" were no where to be seen. Had "The Operators" not dropped out after the first half of the quiz, the prize would have gone to Harry's team, "We'll think about it and get back to you", but the fact they did meant the delightful ladies of "MJ" took the spoils in the form of a £20 bar voucher. As per the above heading, don't worry Harry, you can rely on me to assure your father your expensive private education has been worth while!?!? In playing for the new Jackpot cash prize of £27, "Save a tree, eat a beaver" won the opportunity to select from the ten Jackpot envelopes only to find they eliminated envelope number 9. So the Jackpot cash prize increases to £47 and rolls over to next week's quiz on Tuesday 13th August.