Even After Penalties, There's Just No Holding Them Back!

"Team Truffs" (formerly "Drawing of a Coc*", formerly "Andy's Mates") have done it again! And even after we had to deduct three points for having nine people on their team bringing their spectacular 40 point win down to a more modest 37, they STILL managed to score a whole two points more than their closest opposition. What are these guys drinking, that they remain completely untouchable as reigning champions of The Jam Tree Sunday Night Quiz? They know everything from their Scapula to their Skateboarding periodicals, and even managed to score themselves a free drink! A big shout out to the birthday boy whose team "Happy Birthday Charlie" were tied with "Team Truffs" at the end of the second round and slipped into a high-scorring second place at the end of the second. Happy Birthday Charlie, thank you for quizzing with us, and we are delighted that you won a free drink for your knowledge of C.S. Lewis's Chronicles of Narnia! Join us again next week for another chance to win that highly coveted £50.00 bar tab, and more importantly the chance to claim the title: Quiz Champions of The Jam Tree!