"2nd to last" were 2nd to last!

The dilemma of deciding team names can sometimes be the most difficult question of the evening. Some names can set out a teams objective and be accurate, others can reflect misplaced optimism whilst others reflect discreet or disguised modesty. We had examples of each of these this evening. The team named "2nd to Last" came into the first category in that they concluded the evening in second last place and according received the £20 bar voucher prize. In finishing in eighth place, the team named "and in 4th Place" fell into the second category. We had the team named "We haven't a team name because we're Useless" who in winning the quiz by a clear 9 points and once again collecting the £40 bar voucher first prize, naturally fall into the third category. I am however still deliberating how I should categorise the teams named "Turnips Apparently!" and "Oh my God, I don't know". Answers on a postcard please. .......to Graham at the Highwayman, HP4 1AQ. With a one in three chance of the £150 Jackpot cash prize being won this evening, all teams approached the 'closest to' question with excitement and expectation. Having won the opportunity to select from the three remaining Jackpot envelopes, Edie of the (innovatively!?!?) named "Edie's Team", who had done her utmost to remain inconspicuous all evening despite the best efforts of her fellow team members and the quizmaster, was put on the spot to select either envelope 1, 9 or 10. The intensity of the responsibility was nearly to much for the young lady in case she got it wrong, BUT EDIE DIDN'T GET IT WRONG and won the £150 cash prize to great applause. Although the Jackpot was won the this evening, the cash prize at the next quiz at the Highwayman on Wednesday 18th March - yes, no quiz next week because of refurbishment - will again be £150. See you in a couple of weeks.