*WARNING* We have a winner! Records were broken!

Congratulations to the Narwhal Tusk Appreciation Society for drowning the competition and swimming away with the £50 bar tab, newcomers but definitely will be back! They also got top points for their tin foil creation, look at the pics! The tin foil prompt ws Communication. Ladies and gentlemen, let me be the first to tell you....THE £793 JACKPOT WAS WON!!!!!! Sound the alarms, wake your neighbours, shout at your dogs (dont actually shout please tell them nicely), it was a beautiful moment and a gorgeous memory - Classic Geoff took home the biggest jackpot we have ever heard off. Well deserved for our most regular regular, and the icing on the cake; Classic Geoff was 2 men down! One man earnt all that dosh! ONE MAN, ONE JACKPOT, ONE UNFORGETTABLE QUIZ. Damn my life's like a movie.