The sounds are BACK!

After a few weeks without a victory, The Sounds of Fatness returned a convincing high score to win. All teams had a dreadful second half after promising starts but the champions held their half time two point lead from Hold on to your toupe who probably got distracted drinking their way through their winning tab from last week (this is a lie to make the blog work as they told me they spent it on a delicious Sunday roast) In other news, past champions fell by the wayside and other teams went into tailspins as the terrifyingly difficult second round decimated any hint of a high-scoring quiz. But we still managed to have a birthday cheer for anything but last (shots were bought for the birthday woman) and quizzing anecdotes were shared as I toured the room to find a lot of empty spaces on the answer sheets. The mood remained cheerful which is to be expected at the Devonshire. It's always a lot of fun and the jackpot already stands at £214 at week two. So do yourselves a favour and get book yourself a table for next week. You'll get to see my tasche in aid of Movember too.