
Quizmas - [quiz-mas] Mas Quiz.. More quiz.. - ALAS! No more quiz until next year!! The most Christmassy end to a year of quizzing; snazzy jumpers, Santa hats and festive puns galore were our final salute to the quizzes of 2019. Eleven teams took to the floor for our festive fight to the death**. After an early exit from Machodecs (I suspect one too many at the Christmas party is to blame!) the joyful winners of a cheeky bottle of wine, in second to last place, were Boris Shat on my Christmas.. Me too kids, me too. On the other end of the spectrum, The Ghost of Christmas Ass took the final bar tab of the season with a most impressive display of festive knowledge, finishing with 33 points! Who knew there was so much to know about Christmas past and present! Pictured are our winners, our wine winners and our BEST-FEST-DRESSED!! However, as ever, for one last time this year; a reminder that win or lose, you are all the winners of my love and affection - and that teams, as you all know, is priceless! Until next year teams.. And, of course, Merry Quizmas! **no quiz teams were hurt in the course of this evening!!