Honestly really is the best policy!

According to question seven and The Flapjacks anyways, who earned themselves title of most honest quiz team when they confessed I had read their scores wrong and that they had in fact not won this evening’s bar tab!! This meant that for yet another week - seems like they’re getting the ball rolling semi regularly now - The Lancaster Raiders bagged themselves another win with a very impressive score of 37!! After an early exit from ‘Bob’, this weeks wine winners were the Three Musketeers on a very respectable score of 22! For a cheeky surprise, one of The Flapjacks has some very apt socks on this week after we had a picture question regarding Van Gogh’s Starry Night.. Check ‘em out below! Was flipping (see what I did there?) brilliant to be joined by so many this evening; who knew I could compete with pancakey goodness?!?! I’m flat-tered. Okay, I’m out of pancake puns, I swear! And a little reminder that as ever, win or lose, you are all the winners of my love and affection , and that teams, as you all know - is priceless! Thank you for giving up your pancake day to play! See you next time quizzers!