Dry January - 0....

..Crabtree - 1! Starting the year as we mean to go, this evening saw us in to the decade well with a nice busy quiz for our first quiz of the new year - let me hear you say ‘oooh..’. - and it seems the break has done all our brains some good after a little recharging time as there were also some lovely healthy scores on the doors! Let’s hope it’s a good sign of things to come! A lesson I will be taking forward into the year ahead with me, is ‘don’t encourage ambitious yoga poses to a crowd under the influence!’ I guess that was probably something I shouldn’t have needed pointing out to me, huh?! ;) It was great to see so many faces back for more quizzing action after the festive break. I know, I know, I missed you all too! The first winners of the year were Quizmill, with a triumphant score of 34 and the takers of our £50 bar tab’ At the other end of the spectrum, our first wine winners were Guns don’t kill people; American teenagers do.. (controversial name alert!) with a still, most respectable score, of 22! However, just in case you’ve forgotten in the two weeks since last we met, a reminder, that as ever, win or lose, you are all the winners of my love and affection. And that team, as you all know, is priceless! Until next time quizzers!