When Archie met Archi

Basically the theme of tonight was dogs and babies. Five babies, one dog. One nine month old baby called Archie (not that Archie) and an eight month old cocker spaniel, also Archie. They met. It was love at first sight. Mainly for me and Archie (the canine). There was also a quiz! The Cherry Tree is becoming the place to be on a Sunday night. It's warm and cosy, there's a fire, great wine, amazing food, and FUN! Seven teams went toe to toe, but it was the mighty Bruce Quizteam who took home the £50 food and bar tab. Some stumbling blocks tonight included France (they've won the most battles ever!), Credence Clearwater Revival (we recognise their songs, but not their faces it seems), Alec Baldwin, Malory Towers, and Amelia Earhart's two great spots (Canada and Northern Ireland). This quiz gets people thinking hard. And playing hard. It's a vibe. The jackpot also rolls over next week! Come on down!