Rehab is for Quitters

Spooky Halloween trivia at the equally spooky Penny Black. We kicked off the night with the judging of the best costume competition. The costumes, ranging from minimalist (nude beach protestor) to detailed (dead bride) were very much appreciated and added a lovely touch to a wonderful holiday. Big congrats to the Dead Bride who came in first, winning a bottle of wine! As for the trivia, well, more people need to watch the 1988 seminal classic, Heathers. Aside from that, OJBJ - Don't Ask came in first on 30 points. Rehab is for Quitters and Wailing Curfew had to go to sudden death for 2nd place, needing to guess the closest weight of the world record-holding largest pumpkin. The former, while still hundreds of kg off, won with their 28 points. And 2nd last place for a free jug of beer officially did go to Witch, Please... HOWEVER, thinking they didn't suck the right amount to win anything, they left before final scores were announced. Which means a tie-breaker between Dead Team Rising and Are We the Only Ones Who Dressed Up? determined the new 2nd last winners, with the latter team taking the title home! See you next week for not-so-spooky trivia!