Beauty & the Beastiality

A small crowd, but a good crowd tonight at Miss Moses. Special mention to the a bit too soon-ly named Bad Luck Bryant, particularly the one guy who was enthusiastically set on stitching up the other teams during the beer rounds after his team won in the first. Also a special mention to everyone during the 1st beer round, delivering such creative Disney porn names like Toy Story 2: Comes with Batteries, and Beauty & The Beastiality (which was voted winner by our lovely bar staff). As for the results... in 2nd last place by ONE point were Quizter Worldwide on 19. In first place by a mile were Emotional Ride on 31 points. And in 2nd place were the former streakers, aka., On Top is My Favourite Position, with 24 points... seemingly landing there as if by default... I KID. Or do I? Yeah I know you're reading this. SEE YOU NEXT TUESDAY!